staff and volunteer portal

Agency Resources

Agency Documents

The Code of Ethics serves as a guide to the organizational behavior and responsibilities of the staff and the agency, in carrying out the mission of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Syracuse and its member Agencies.

Scoring rubric developed by Strategic Planning Team 2012

Explanations of many of the acronyms used by the programs at Catholic Charities… it’s just like learning another language!

It is the policy of Catholic Charities to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. It is also Catholic Charities policy to adhere to the Code of Ethics adopted by the Corporate Board of Trustees.

Information on the false claims and whistleblower provisions

The agency Strategic Plan as developed by the planning committee in 2012

Wellness Resources

Take this survey to see if you are taking daily steps to maintain healthy work habits

Resources, information, and benefits designed to enhance the quality of life not just for employees, but for their family members too.

Web-based learning course for TFCBT

The NCTSN works to accomplish its mission of serving the nation’s traumatized children and their families by:

• Raising public awareness of the scope and serious impact of child traumatic stress on the safety and healthy development of America’s children and youth.

• Advancing a broad range of effective services and interventions by creating trauma-informed developmentally and culturally appropriate programs that improve the standard of care.

• Working with established systems of care including health, mental health, education, law enforcement, child welfare, juvenile justice, and military family service systems to ensure that there is a comprehensive trauma-informed continuum of accessible care.

• Fostering a community dedicated to collaboration within and beyond the NCTSN to ensure that widely shared knowledge and skills become a sustainable national resource.

The C-SSRS is used extensively across primary care, clinical practice, surveillance, research, and institutional settings and is part of a national and international public health initiative involving the assessment of suicidality,

VAT Online is a basic victim advocacy web-based training program that offers victim service providers and allied professionals the opportunity to acquire the basic skills and knowledge they need to better assist victims of crime.

NYS OCFS web-based training for Mandated Reporters. This course meets the New York State Education Department’s mandatory requirements for Training in Child Abuse Identification and Reporting.

Board of Directors Meeting @ CCofCC Conference Room
Mar 24 @ 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Chenango Housing Council @ 3 O'Hara Drive
Apr 9 @ 8:30 am – 9:30 am
Board of Directors Meeting @ CCofCC Conference Room
Apr 28 @ 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Chenango Housing Council @ 3 O'Hara Drive
May 14 @ 8:30 am – 9:30 am
Board of Directors Meeting @ CCofCC Conference Room
May 26 @ 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Chenango Housing Council @ 3 O'Hara Drive
Jun 11 @ 8:30 am – 9:30 am
Board of Directors Meeting @ CCofCC Conference Room
Jun 23 @ 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Chenango Housing Council @ 3 O'Hara Drive
Jul 9 @ 8:30 am – 9:30 am

Employee Training and Development

Required Training for all Agency Staff

Catholic Charities takes pride in ensuring that all agency staff are competent in the work that they are doing when performing the tasks associated with their respective employment.  This page is designed to give agency staff a basic orientation into the work that we do here at Catholic Charities.  Additional training and instructor-led courses will be provided during the course of your employment.

Click on the link below to view the online training and then download and complete the post test.

All Staff of Catholic Charities of Chenango County are required to complete a Corporate Compliance Course designed by the RC Diocese of Syracuse, Compliance Team. Each year this training is updated. You will be asked to annually acknowledge the Catholic Charities Compliance Plan.

As with all of our Independent Study Training opportunities, if you have any questions or are having difficulty accessing the powerpoint or exam associated with this course, contact Human Resources.

Click on the link below to view the online training and then download and complete the post test.

All Staff of Catholic Charities of Chenango County are required to complete a HIPAA Training Course designed by the RC Diocese of Syracuse, Compliance Team. Each year this training is updated.

As with all of our Independent Study Training opportunities, if you have any questions or are having difficulty accessing the powerpoint or exam associated with this course, contact Human Resources.

Click on the link below to view the online training and then download and complete the post test.

All Staff of Catholic Charities of Chenango County are required to complete an HIV/AIDS Confidentiality Training Course designed by the RC Diocese of Syracuse, Compliance Team. Each year this training is updated.

As with all of our Independent Study Training opportunities, if you have any questions or are having difficulty accessing the powerpoint or exam associated with this course, contact Human Resources.

Click on the link below to view the online training and then download and complete the post test.

All Staff of Catholic Charities of Chenango County are required to complete a Mandated Reporter Training Course designed by the RC Diocese of Syracuse, Compliance Team. Each year this training is updated.

As with all of our Independent Study Training opportunities, if you have any questions or are having difficulty accessing the powerpoint or exam associated with this course, contact Human Resources.

Click on the link below to view the online training and then download and complete the post test.

Staff of Catholic Charities of Chenango County that work in any OMH certified or non-certified program, Health Home Program and or OPWDD certified or non-certified program are required to complete a Suicide Assessment & Prevention Training Course.  All employees of Catholic Charities of Chenango County are encouraged to complete this training.

As with all of our Independent Study Training opportunities, if you have any questions or are having difficulty accessing the powerpoint or exam associated with this course, contact Human Resources.

ALL Catholic Charities of Chenango County employees and volunteers must complete Safe Environment training at the first available training opportunity.

Please see HR for more information.


Additional Training for Staff Employed in OPWDD Certified Programs

Click on the link below to view the online training and then download and complete the post test.

All Staff who work in programs that are certified or funded by the Office of People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) are required to complete a course in Incident Reporting and all applicable regulations. This course will need to be completed annually by all staff of these programs.

As with all of our Independent Study Training opportunities, if you have any questions or are having difficulty accessing the powerpoint or exam associated with this course, contact Human Resources.

All staff must watch all four of the training videos below.  Once you have completed all of the training modules please download, print and complete the post test and then submit the test to the HR department.

All Staff who work in programs that are certified or funded by the Office of People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) are required to complete a course in Fire Safety. This course will need to be completed annually by all staff of these programs.

As with all of our Independent Study Training opportunities, if you have any questions or are having difficulty accessing the powerpoint or exam associated with this course, contact Human Resources.

There are two parts to the OPWDD Choking Prevention Series training.

Part 1 can be accessed by clicking the link below.  Please print the entire training to take with you and answer the four questions at the end of the training.  The pages with the questions can be returned to Katie Chaffee, HR when you are finished.  Please sign and date these pages for our records.

Part 2 is a series of videos that are found on this page.  Staff MUST watch all of the videos entirely and then click on the link below the videos, print and sign the training attestation stating that you have watched all of these training’s and that you fully understand all of the information that was reviewed in the trainings.


Part 1

Prevention of Choking and Aspiration Training

All Staff who work in programs that are certified or funded by the Office of People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) are required to complete a course in Choking Prevention. This course will need to be completed annually by all staff of these programs.

As with all of our Independent Study Training opportunities, if you have any questions or are having difficulty accessing the power point or exam associated with this course, contact Human Resources.

Part 2

Videos can also be found here:

Training Acknowledgement

When you have completed Part 1 and Part 2 of this training please be sure to take the Part 1 Quiz and complete the Training Acknowledgement – OPWDD Choking Part 2 form.