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Mandated Child Abuse Reporting Quiz
Mandated Child Abuse Reporting
I certify that I completed training on 624/625 Incident and Abuse Reporting on (date)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
1. According to statistics, a child is confirmed as being abused or neglected every:
A. 25 seconds
B. 36 seconds
C. 60 seconds
D. 5 minutes
2. According to New York State Social Services Law, Section 412 an abused child is:
A. under the age of 12
B. under the age of 16
C. under the age of 18
D. under the age of 21
3. Child abuse can be suspected if bruises observed are:
A. in areas such as thighs, buttocks, cheeks and abdomen
B. evident on young, non-ambulatory children
C. of different colors
D. All of the above
4. If you have reasonable suspicion of abuse, you do not have to have physical evidence when calling the hotline.
A. True
B. False
5. Which is an example of a reportable situation?
A. A child says they do not get enough to eat at home, is pale and eats excessively at the school lunch program
B. A child is frequently verbally abused by his mother and it makes him cry
C. A child is diagnosed with gonorrhea in the ER
D. All of the above
6. Injuries to both eyes and cheeks may be physical signs that most always indicates child abuse.
A. True
B. False
7. Indicators of maltreatment can include all but the following:
A. Lack of personal care
B. Alcohol or drug abuse
C. Being “grounded” for 1 month
D. Frequent absences from school
8. Which of the following are reportable only to the legal system?
A. Step-parent
B. Foster parent
C. Teacher
D. Day-care provider
9. When child abuse is suspected, the person responsible for calling the report into the State Central Register is:
A. The Supervisor of the program
B. The person with first hand knowledge of the abuse
C. The program Director
D. None of the above
10. When a mandated reporter suspects child abuse or neglect, a telephone call must be made to the Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment:
A. immediately
B. within 24 hours
C. at the same time the written report is filed
D. within 48 hours