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Incident and Abuse Reporting Training Quiz
Incident and Abuse Reporting Training
I certify that I completed training on 624/625 Incident and Abuse Reporting on (date)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
1. All reportable Abuse/Neglect Incidents MUST be immediately reported to:
A. The Justice Center - Vulnerable Persons Central Registry (VPCR)
B. Catholic Charities Incident Management Line
C. A & B
D. None of the above
2. Please select the appropriate classification for the following definition: Conduct by a Custodian intentionally or recklessly causing, by physical contact, physical injury, or serious or protracted impairment of the physical, mental or emotional condition of the individual receiving services, or causing the likelihood of such injury or impairment...
A. Psychological Abuse
B. Neglect
C. Physical Abuse
D. Sexual Abuse
3. Please select the appropriate classification for the following definition: Shall mean the use of a restraint when the technique that is used, the amount of force that is used, or the situation in which the restraint is used is deliberately inconsistent with an individual’s plan of services or Behavior Support Plan…
A. Physical Abuse
B. Deliberate Inappropriate use of Restraints
C. Neglect
D. All of the above
4. Please select the appropriate classification for the following definition: Any action, inaction or lack of attention that breaches a custodians duty and that results in or is likely to result in physical injury or serious or protracted impairment of the physical, mental or emotional condition of a service recipient…
A. Use of Aversive Conditioning
B. Psychological Abuse
C. Unlawful use or Administration of a Controlled Substance
D. Neglect
5. Which is an example of a reportable incident?
A. An individual says they do not get enough to eat at home, is pale and eats excessively at their day program.
B. An individual is frequently verbally reprimanded by a custodian and it makes him cry
C. A staff falls asleep during a time in which they are responsible for providing supervision to individuals in a residential facility.
D. All of the above
6. A Custodian is an employee of an agency who is responsible for providing direct supports and services to individuals receiving those services.
A. True
B. False
7. Indicators of mistreatment or abuse can include all but the following:
A. Lack of personal care being provided
B. alcohol or drug abuse by a custodian while services are being provided
C. An individual’s rights being restricted in a manner that is inconsistent with their plan of services.
D. Following an individual’s diet plan that is consistent with the individual’s plan of services.
8. Which of the following are reportable only to the Catholic Charities incident reporting line?
A. A medication error
B. Abuse
C. Neglect
D. None of the above
9. When abuse is suspected, the person responsible for calling the report into the VPCR is:
A. The Supervisor of the program
B. The person with first hand knowledge of the abuse
C. Other staff that is present when the suspected abuse occurred
D. All of the above
10. When a mandated reporter suspects abuse or neglect, a telephone call must be made to the VPCR:
A. Immediately, or as soon as it is safe to do so
B. Within 72 hours
C. after waiting to see if the abuse stops
D. within 48 hours