Catholic Charities of Chenango County offers a full line of programs designed to meet the needs and provide assistance to individuals with developmental disabilities. Our services offer residential services certified by the New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD), Medicaid Service Coordination (MSC) and Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) including Community Habilitation, Respite Services and Intensive Behavioral Services (IBS). Please view our pages below for full program descriptions.
If you would like more information about our Developmental Disability Programs, please contact Jeff Chesebro at (607) 334-8244.
Haven Hill IRA
An Individualized Residential Alternative (IRA) is a type of community residence that provides room, board and individualized service and support options. Supervised IRA’s provide 24 hour staff support and supervision in a home atmosphere where individuals with developmental disabilities can acquire the skills necessary to live as independently as possible.
Haven Hill is our residential community IRA and Respite facility located in Sherburne New York. This home provides permanent housing and respite services for 6 Individuals.
Staff support residents with an individualized service plan focusing on daily living, recreation, community integration and day habilitation programming.
Contact us at 607-334-8244 for more information.

At Home Respite Services
Respite services provide temporary relief from the demands of care giving, which helps reduce overall family stress. This often enables families to better meet the needs of their loved one with a developmental disability.
At Home Waiver Respite Services are provided in the home to give relief to the primary caregiver. They are available to applicants who have Medicaid or who meet the requirements of the Medicaid waiver according to the Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD).
For more information contact us at 607-334-8244.
Community Habilititation Services
Hourly Community Habilitation services are services that are provided to individuals who live at home independently or with a caregiver. Community Habilitation services can be delivered at any non-certified location, including the individual’s home. Supports include adaptive skill development, assistance with activities of daily living (hands-on), community inclusion and relationship building, training and support for independence in travel, transportation, adult educational supports, development of social skills, leisure skills, self-advocacy and informed choice skills, and appropriate behavior development to help the individual access their community.
For more information, please contact us at (607) 334-8244